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Senior Dames 2

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2024/2025 - [D3D] Division III Damen

01.01.70 01:00 VBE Dames 2 EVBC Dames 3 Echternach am Bréil
01.01.70 01:00 EVBC Dames 3 VBE Dames 2 Centre Omnisports Henri Schmitz Esch/Alzette (Terrain Central)
05.10.24 16:00 VBE Dames 2 VCSW Dames 2 3:0 ( 25:14 25:9 25:17 )
12.10.24 17:30 V80P Dames 3 VBE Dames 2 0:3 ( 13:25 11:25 17:25 )
15.10.24 19:30 VBE Dames 2 VBE Dames 3 3:0 ( 25:23 25:10 25:19 )
17.11.24 16:00 VBE Dames 2 CHEV Dames 2 3:0 ( 25:7 25:9 25:13 )
01.12.24 15:00 EVBC Dames 2 VBE Dames 2 0:3 ( 16:25 22:25 17:25 )
08.12.24 18:00 VBE Dames 2 VCL Dames 2 3:1 ( 25:22 26:24 14:25 25:22 )
11.01.25 00:00 VBE Dames 2 VCBIS Dames 1 Echternach am Bréil
18.01.25 00:00 VBAL Dames 1 VBE Dames 2 Hall Sportif Junglinster (Ancien/Terrain Central)
01.02.25 00:00 VCSW Dames 2 VBE Dames 2 Centre Sportif Wiltz (Terrain Central)
08.02.25 00:00 VBE Dames 2 V80P Dames 3 Echternach am Bréil
01.03.25 00:00 VBE Dames 3 VBE Dames 2 Echternach am Bréil
29.03.25 00:00 CHEV Dames 2 VBE Dames 2 Hall Omnisports Diekirch (Terrain Central)
05.04.25 00:00 VBE Dames 2 EVBC Dames 2 Echternach am Bréil
26.04.25 00:00 VCL Dames 2 VBE Dames 2 Hall Sportif Lorentzweiler (Terrain Central)
03.05.25 00:00 VCBIS Dames 1 VBE Dames 2 Hall Sportif Bissen (Terrain Central)
10.05.25 00:00 VBE Dames 2 VBAL Dames 1 Echternach am Bréil
11.12.2024 09:29

Data provided by FLVB/SAMS, module developed by MEDIA4ALL/
More detailed match data and reports can be found on
1. VCBIS Dames 1770 20
2. VBE Dames 2660 18
3. VBAL Dames 1651 15
4. VCL Dames 2633 10
5. VCSW Dames 2624 6
6. VBE Dames 3725 6
7. CHEV Dames 2514 3
8. V80P Dames 3615 3
9. EVBC Dames 3000 0
10. EVBC Dames 2505 0

Data provided by FLVB/SAMS, module developed by MEDIA4ALL/
More detailed rankings can be found on


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